Saturday, July 2, 2011

Trek Time! Day One: LA to Marina California

Our Trek Van!
Day one started with an early wake up where I headed to the lobby of the Hacienda Hotel (pre-trek accommodation where all LA treks start...nice place!) to meet my fellow trekkies.  We did a fair bit of paperwork before heading to the van for an overview of how to pack it etc (who knew it could be so intense!) and then we were on the road.

We headed up the pacific coast today - 550km worth of driving!   Nice.  Time actually went fairly quickly as the group started chatting and getting to know each other.  There are 12 of us - our tour leader (Katelin), 3 Koreans, 2 Germans, 2 Aussies (ew... ;p), an Irish girl, 2 Brits and me.  And more boys than girls which is unusual for a trek - I'm out numbered!

We stopped for lunch (wraps and fruit) at Pismo Beach - supper pretty - and then continued up the coast.

Pismo Beach
Lunch time 

Given we made good time we had a little time spare to take a walk around Monterey Bay - such a cute little town.  And so the souvenir buying begins!

After our first crack at setting up camp (which went well by the way!  Good on you modern day tents) a group of us took a walk to the beach whilst Katelin cooked us tacos for dinner (night one speciality...yum!).

Dinner was followed by an epic chat regarding what trek is all about/what we can expect/safety etc - all necessary and not too boring!  And then it was time for bed with my new roomie (tentie?) Esther :)

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