Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day Six: Bishop, Calafornia

Bodie Ghost Town
And it rained...and rained...and rained...and rained alllllllllll night and alllllllll morning long!  We had a quick breakfast and then packed up everything as best we could (on the positive the inside of our tents stayed dry!) and were off.

Today's drive had us go through the Sierra Nevada Mountains that have legitimate snow fall on them STILL (in summer!).  So odd!  We stopped at a place called Bodie for lunch today - an old ghost town from the gold rush days!  I really enjoyed having a snoop around the place.  Everything has been left exactly as it was when the inhabitants of the town upped and left - so odd to think you could literally walk away and just leave everything behind.  We also visited Mono Lake, beautiful!  Also really interesting lake as it is super salty and has no drainage back out to the ocean.

Mono Lake

When we arrived at camp (such a funky campground set up Western Style|!) we quickly got our tents up to begin the drying process which, thankfully, Bishop had perfect weather for.  A group of us then headed down to the local hot pools for a swim before a Korean inspired dinner meal.  Everybody was in bed early tonight...prepping for Vegas I think!

Having such an awesome time, and our group gets along so well...minus the odd Aussie/Kiwi joke of course!

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